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Sunday's Best (2023)

Cement, newspaper,timber, steel [180 x 30 x 35cm]

(Above) Documentation of the show featuring my sculptures & wall work alongside the other artists work. 

Intuition Goes Before You' was a group show in Soho Square curated by Vittoria Beltrame and featuring myself, Eva Dixon, Rebecca Hardaker, Isabella Lolita-Amran and Helen Bermingham. 

The show was hosted in BWG Agency's temporary gallery space at 13 Soho Square. I made this work, Sunday's best, in order to showcase my ability to create large-scale outdoor sculpture. This work exists today, planted in a garden as a testament to the British elements. 

Despite its scale and material, the work is light and soft - the cement in combination with its form plays with a viewers conception and so easily is one enticed.  

(Above) Myself &. Albertina Campbell (below) Phoebe Minson who was leading a Q&A about the artists and the show. 

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